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Applied Tissue Culture and Techniques in Molecular Biology

Training Courses On: Applied Tissue Culture and Techniques in Molecular Biology
October / November, 2013
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology’s Institute of Biotechnology Research (IBR) wish to announce the following two short courses in Applied Tissue Culture and in Techniques in Molecular Biology. 

These will be intensive laboratory based courses aimed at imparting to the participants with practical experience in the production and handling of tissue culture plantlets and analytical and preparative techniques for DNA screening/PCR/primer designs.

1. Applied Tissue Culture:

Techniques to be covered include: fundamentals of cell, tissue and organ culture; sterile and media
preparations, transformations and regeneration of plants; exposure to commercial tissue culture banana and aloe vera production.

Target Group: Research Institutes, Universities, Ministries, NGOs and Agri. Enterprises.
Duration: 2 weeks, 18th -29th October 2013.
Cost: Tuition fees, Ksh. 35,000.
2. Techniques in Molecular Biology:
Techniques to be covered include Genomic DNA isolation and analysis; RNA isolation and analysis; use of restriction endonucleases; gene cloning regulation and identification; DNA ligation and CDNA library screening; PCR and primer designs; BLAST searches; and biosafety and regulatory guidelines on GMOs.
Target Group: Research Institutes, Universities, Ministries, NGOs and Agri. Enterprises.
Duration: 2 weeks, 17th -28nd February, 2014
Cost: Tuition fees, Ksh. 40,000.
Venue: IBR molecular research labs
Accommodation: Affordable housing available near the University.
Course Coordinator
Dr. Justus M. Onguso
Institute of Biotechnology Research
Contacts: 06752711 Ext. 2125

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